Frequently Asked Questions
• When does the competition start?
The competition is held each year in mid to late January .
Dunwoody College in Minneapolis MN is the current host site. .
• Where is the competition held?
The Dynamic Competition Events will be held at the Dunwoody College of Technology,
located at 818 Dunwoody Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN.
• What does “autonomous” mean?
All competing vehicles must accomplish their goals in an autonomous mode, meaning without any human,
remote, or pre-programmed path control during the competition.
Thus, the vehicles must navigate the course, be guided along the path, and be controlled solely by computer
or electronic control during the competition.
• Who pays for the vehicles?
All teams must pay for all components of their vehicles, including the navigation and control systems.
To help defray costs, teams are welcome to garner their own sponsorship to design, build, and compete
their vehicles.
• Why are students required on the team and why must they be 18 years of age?
This competition highly encourages student involvement in the full design and development of these vehicles.
It also encourages mentorship from industry and public contributors towards these students.
The students must be at least 18 years of age due to insurance issues with the ION.
• Who is the Institute of Navigation?
The Institute of Navigation (ION) is the world’s premier non-profit, 501(c)(3), professional society dedicated to
the advancement of the art and science of positioning, navigation, and timing. Its membership is worldwide
and it is affiliated with the International Association of the Institutes of Navigation.
• What happens if it is really cold during the competition?
The competition is held regardless of the weather conditions - snow, ice, rain, sun, even hail.
However, if the temperatures or wind chill are predicted to dip below -25° F, to avoid our volunteers getting
frostbite, the event will be moved to a safer location, likely indoors using simulated snow on the snow fields.
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