2025 Fifteenth Annual Competition
The fifteenth annual competition was held at Dunwoody College in Minneapolis, MN. The competition field was once again a T-shaped course to simulate a driveway leading down to a sidewalk near a street. Changes to the rules made hitting an obstacle a 20% deduction. This led to better obstacle detection and More than half of the competition teams able to avoid obstacles this year. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2024 Fourteenth Annual Competition
The fourteenth annual competition was held at Dunwoody College in Minneapolis, MN. The competition field was once again a T-shaped course to simulate a driveway leading down to a sidewalk near a street. The teams impressed judges with navigation strategies involving machine vision, GPS, magnetic strips, and LIDAR-based navigtation. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2023 Thirteenth Annual Competition
The thirteenth competition was once again held at Dunwoody College in Minneapolis, MN. The competition field changed this year to a T-shaped course to simulate a driveway leading down to a sidewalk near a street. Teams were challenged to make more turns navigating the course and get back to the garage. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2022 Twelfth Annual Competition
2022 brought the collaboration team event to the snow at Dunwoody College in Minneapolis. Post-COVID, teams were excited to compete in-person again. 2022 brought the largest number of teams in event history. A total of 13 robot snowplows from 8 different schools competed. In the end it was a collaboration between Case Western Reserve and North Dakota State University that won the collaborative team competition. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2021 Eleventh Annual Competition
Like everything else, the eleventh year of the competition was forced online due to COVID. Teams were asked to think outside the box as they had to collaborate over great distances to compete both individually and as a team. Teams videotaped their runs and submitted them to the judges for scoring. We were able to turn COVID into a great experience in collaboration at a distance. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2020 Tenth Annual Competition
The tenth year of the competition brought a new home to the competition. Dunwoody College agreed to host the annual competition. Ten teams came to the competition and were welcomed with a warm pit area to work on their vehicles between runs. We added two new school Lake Area Technical College (SD) and Laval University from Quebec, Canada.
2019 Ninth Annual Competition
Our ninth year of the competition was a very special year for the competition. We were invited by Sidewalk Labs to hold a demonstration event at their facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Eight teams from the United States made this journey. And the event was a big success! Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2018 Eigth Annual Competition
Our eighth year of the competition was one of our best yet for the competition. We again had our largest number of teams applied. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2017 Seventh Annual Competition
Our seventh year of the competition was great year for the competition. Once again, it was our largest number of teams so far. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2016 Sixth Annual Competition
Our sixth year of the competition was another year of growing. Our largest number of teams so far, along with another international team from Canada, all did exceedingly well. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities..
2015 Fifth Annual Competition
Our fifth year of the competition was our first international competitor year (from Canada). All teams performed great during this event. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2014 Fourth Annual Competition
Our fourth year of the competition was another very successful year. Another large number of teams performed quite well during this event. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2013 Third Annual Competition
Our third year of the competition was a significant success. Many teams performed very well during this event. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2012 Second Annual Competition
Our second year of the competition went really well, with very keen competition. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities.
2011 First Annual Dynamic Competition
We had a fantastic first year of this annual event. Spectators from the Winter Carnival enjoyed watching and cheering for their favorite schools. Please see the Previous Event Results page for a full summary of the event, winners, and all competition activities..
2010 Promotional Display
We had a great static display and promotion at the Saint Paul Winter Carnival on January 23-24, 2010. We had displays of past ION competitions, autonomous vehicles, and future competition materials.